CA Black Women's Collective Empowerment Institute
Women, if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe that you must become its soul.
Coretta Scott King
California Black Women’s Collective Empowerment Institute (CBWCEI) contracted EVITARUS, a leading public opinion research and strategic consulting firm, to document the lived realities of Black women in the workplace. In December 2024, EVITARUS surveyed 452 employed Black women in California, gathering critical insights into workplace experiences and job satisfaction.
"There are over a million Black Women and Girls in CA ... representing one of the largest populations in the nation. Our power is in our collective effort. Our focus is to uplift our voices and the issues that impact our lives and our community."
- Kellie Todd Griffin, President & CEO
CA Black Women's Collective
Our vision is to improve the lives of Black Women and Girl in California!
Email: admin@cablackwomenscollective.org
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